【Vitasoy is really my good friend during homework👭】 Homework time without snacks is absolutely unbearable 🥵 Try this box of sandwich egg rolls from others today~ Black Bean Vitasoy! 🥳🥳 Compared with the ordinary version, this black bean tastes a little heavier and has a little fishy smell of beans. Anyway, Vitasoy is still 👍👍# 快乐宅零食清单 # # 开年吃大餐 #
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【维他奶果然是我作业时分的好朋友👭】 没有零食的作业时分是绝对难以忍受的🥵 今天尝尝别人送的这盒夹心蛋卷好了~ 黑豆维他奶!🥳🥳 感觉跟普通版的比起来,这款黑豆的豆味重一点,有一点点豆子的腥味呢 不过怎么样,维他奶果然还是👍👍# 快乐宅零食清单 # # 开年吃大餐 #