👍🏻 Sharing report of brown sugar ginger shredded red dates tea

 Today's breakfast is a packet of brown sugar shredded ginger Red Date Tea with Baicao Flavor Sandwich Toast🍞(cheese flavor) this2The combination is great! It can nourish blood and eat bread, haha😄

  The size of a pack is the picture above Now, red dates are sliced, which is super convenient. There is also brown sugar at the bottom of the bowl, you can't see it, haha😄 Pair it with bread🍞 It tastes really good ! 👍🏻

 I bought a full case, You can use it as a gift! Looks super! 👏🏻 Thank you for watching!

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  一包的份量就是以上这张图片了,红枣是切片的,超方便的。还有黑糖在碗的底部,你是看不到的,哈哈😄 再搭配上面包🍞 真的是味道不错哦!👍🏻

 我买的是一整箱的,送礼自用都可以的哦!看起来超级棒!👏🏻 谢谢你的观看!