# 摸着良心来种草 # The berry flavored soft candy that supplements women's multivitamins has been well received by the fairies. Some babies say they eat them by hand🤣🤣🤣🤣, hahaha, it's that baby, I won't name it🤣 🤣🤣. I tried the new citrus flavor today. This one is specially formulated for skin, nails and hair. A jar is also 80 capsules, two capsules a day. It will be a little sour in the mouth, and then it will become sweeter. Personally, I think the berry taste is more delicious. The old mother who has serious hair loss plans to try this more targeted product. I will give you a feedback after eating it for a long time 🤗🤗 🤗
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# 摸着良心来种草 # 莓果口味那款补充女性多种维生素的软糖,小仙女们反映都不错,有宝宝说都是一把一把吃的🤣🤣🤣🤣,哈哈哈,就是那个宝宝,我就不点名啦🤣🤣🤣。 今天试了试新口味柑橘味,这款是专门针对皮肤,指甲和头发的,一罐也是80粒,每天吃两颗。 它入口会有点酸,之后才会变甜,个人觉得莓果味更好吃,掉头发严重的老母亲打算试一试这款更有针对性的,长期吃一阵子再来给大家一个反馈🤗🤗🤗