The best way to eat pure spicy pig ears! ! Microwave at the right time to heat, add a little vinegar and stir well. I personally prefer to heat it for a longer time as it will soften a bit and enjoy. If you feel that it is not enough, you can cook a bowl of instant noodles and mix them together to eat. *Keep the pig ears in a bowl while heating to prevent oil leakage.
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纯味的麻辣猪耳朵最好吃的方法!! 微波适时加热,加入一点醋然后搅拌均匀即可。我个人比较喜欢加热的时间长一点,因为这样会软一点然后就可以享用啦。如果觉得不够吃,可以煮上一碗泡面然后拌在一起食用。*加热的时候要把猪耳朵装在碗里,以防漏油。