# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # [Drip, punch the 3rd day] Relatives are exhausted to visit. There is no exercise today, but dinner is over before 6 o'clock. I hope to experience the feeling of hunger before going to bed. Snacks work best when you are drowsy while driving on the road. I recommend the dried apples in the picture above, which are crispy and delicious without any additives. Low-calorie and healthy, it can also be regarded as a vegetable and fruit meal. Costco has oversized bags that are very cheap. Other supermarkets have also seen dried green apples and dried bananas in small packages, which should be delicious too.
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# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # 【滴,打卡第3天】 亲戚来访浑身无力。今日无运动,不过晚饭在6点前结束,希望能在睡觉前体验饿肚子的感觉。 路上开车犯困的时候小零食最管用。推荐一下上图的苹果干,无添加香脆可口。低卡又健康,还能算一份蔬果加餐。Costco有超大袋卖很便宜,其他超市还见过小包装的青苹果干香蕉干,应该也很好吃吧。