# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # 🌸The first day of punching in🌸 It's hot, how about a cold dish? Choose fresh broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, sweet peppers, lettuce, seafood mushrooms, shrimp, and serve with grapefruit vinegar, mirin, sea salt, basil, parsley leaves, black pepper, and make a sweet salad Alright~ Occasionally feel that it is not enough, you can also pair it with chicken breast or salmon, healthy and low-fat ٩(◦๑> ₃ <๑◦)۶
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# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # 🌸打卡第一天🌸 天热了,拌个凉菜吃吧? 选取新鲜的西兰花、白菜、花椰菜、番茄、甜椒、莴笋、海鲜菇、虾,佐以柚子醋、味淋、海盐、罗勒、香芹叶、黑胡椒,一份清甜的凉拌菜就做好啦~ 偶尔觉得不太够还可以搭配个鸡胸肉或者三文鱼,健康又低脂٩(◦๑> ₃ <๑◦)۶