# 下厨秘密武器 # # 亚米厨房 # Gelatine I made coconut jelly today, and now is the time to sell fresh coconut water, so it's best to make coconut jelly, put it in the refrigerator, and eat it when it's hot, it's the best... This is gelatin powder. I know that many food tutorials on the Internet are made with gelatin flakes, but the gelatin flakes here seem to be difficult to buy and expensive... So I use gelatin powder for everything I make. made. Gelatin powder also needs to be soaked in water, preferably cold water, which is easier to soak. Just take a bowl and take half of the saliva, then put the gelatin powder in it evenly, it is best not to pour it all in one go... This is simple, just write the steps directly 200g coconut water (preferably fresh coconut water) 100g milk 100g whipped cream 117g gelatin 20g sugar (I don't like it too sweet, so I don't need to add sugar, I didn't add it) Sugar Coconut water Milk Whipped cream Bring to a false boil (about 65°c) Add the soaked gelatin Stir until completely melted Let it cool a little, pour it back into the coconut, and it's good There is a more direct Go to the supermarket to buy a can of coconut milk, open a fresh coconut, pour the coconut milk and liquid water into a pot, boil it, and then put in about 1-2 bags of soaked gelatin (put it as you like, a little more The taste is like old tofu, a little less is like jelly), stir, when the gelatin is melted and gone, turn off the heat, let it cool a little, then pour it back into the coconut, put it in the refrigerator, it’s good You don’t have to go out to buy coconut jelly. It’s too expensive to go out and buy something that costs 3 yuan.
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# 下厨秘密武器 # # 亚米厨房 # Gelatine 今天我做了椰子冻,现在正是卖新鲜椰子水的时候,所以做椰子冻最好了,放冰箱,热的时候拿出来吃吃,最好不过了… 这是吉利丁粉,我知道网上很多的食物教程都是用吉利丁片来做的,但是这边的吉利丁片好像很难买,还很贵…所以我做东西都是用吉利丁粉来做的。 吉利丁粉也需要用水泡开的,最好用冷水,比较容易泡开。拿个碗接半口水就好了,然后把吉利丁粉均匀的放进去,最好不要一股脑的都倒进去… 这个简单,直接写步骤好了 200g 椰汁(最好用新鲜椰子开的椰子汁) 100g 牛奶 100g 淡奶油 117g 吉利丁 20g 糖 (不喜欢太甜,可以不用加糖,我没加) 糖 椰子水 牛奶 淡奶油 煮开到假沸(大约65°c) 加入泡开的吉利丁 搅拌到 完全融化 稍微放凉,倒回椰子里,就好啦 还有一个更直接的, 去超市买一罐椰浆,开个新鲜椰子,将椰浆和液水倒入锅子里,煮开,然后大概放入1-2袋泡开的吉利丁(按自己喜欢的程度放,多一点口感就像老豆腐,少一点就像果冻),搅拌,当吉利丁融化了,没了,就关火,放凉一点就可以倒回椰子里,放冰箱,就好啦 吃椰子冻不用出去买,明明成本3块的东西,出去买太贵了😂😂