# 晒单闪现抢积分 # Summer is here A bowl of iced red bean double skin milk saves me. Boil 500 ml of milk first, then pour it into two bowls and let it cool, the milk skin will form on the surface, pick the milk skin off with a toothpick, pour the milk into a large bowl, add three egg whites and three spoons of sugar, Stir well, then filter with a filter spoon, then pour it back into the bowl with the milk skin, put it in the steamer to steam for 10 minutes, then simmer for another five minutes, take it out and let it cool, then put the honey beans. Deng deng pedal, a bowl of good double skin milk comes out!
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# 晒单闪现抢积分 # 夏天来了 一碗冰的红豆双皮奶拯救我。 先把五百毫升的奶煮开,然后倒到两个碗里放凉,表面会形成奶皮,把奶皮用牙签挑开,牛奶倒进一个大碗里,里面加入三个蛋清和三勺糖,搅拌均匀,然后用过滤勺过滤,再重新倒回有奶皮的碗里,放进蒸锅蒸10分钟,然后再焖五分钟,拿出来放凉,再放上蜜豆。 噔噔蹬,一碗好次的双皮奶就出来啦!