Yami 특선
🌸Today, I would like to recommend a healthy soy drink, Guangji yam black bean, known as the magical Japanese natto, natural vegetarian, drinking a cup every day is very helpful for health; there are 8 packs in a box, each pack is 30g, I compare the comparison Thin, the sweetness is just right, I used a small cup of Sephora to drink it on a whim 😂 🌸This drink is rich in many health elements, the main ingredients are black bean, mung bean, sugar, soybean, black sesame, white sesame, oat, oatmeal, corn, millet, eyebrow bean, sorghum, peanut, lotus seed, buckwheat, pinto bean, red bean , yam, brown rice, barley and natto; eating so many kinds of nutritious coarse grains at one time is very satisfying, especially for a picky eater like me who doesn’t like beans, it is super invincible and suitable, and the taste is good Similar to soy drinks, but more fragrant; add 200cc-250cc of boiling water to each pack, you can increase or decrease the amount of water according to your taste preferences; healthy life starts with drinking soy drinks😋 # 摸着良心来种草 # # 什么值得买 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 我要当测评官第5期 #
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Yami 특선 🌸今天给大家推荐一款豆类健康饮品,广吉山药黑豆,号称神奇的日本纳豆,天然素食,天天喝一杯对健康很有帮助;一盒有8包,每包30g,我冲的比较稀,甜味刚刚好,心血来潮用了丝芙兰的小杯子喝😂 🌸这款饮品富含很多养生元素,主要成份为黑豆,绿豆、糖、大豆、黑芝麻、白芝麻、燕麦、麦片、玉米、小米、眉豆、高粱、花生、莲子、荞麦,花豆,红豆,山药、糙米、薏仁及纳豆;一次性吃多那么多种营养粗粮,看着就很满足,尤其是对我这种不爱吃豆类品的挑食者来说,超级无敌合适,口感就跟豆类饮品差不多,但是口感更香;每包加入200cc-250cc沸水即可,可以根据自己的口感喜好增加或者减少水量;健康生活从喝豆类饮品开始😋 # 摸着良心来种草 # # 什么值得买 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 # # 我要当测评官第5期 #