# 年货好物种草指南 # Nin Jiom, a brand that everyone has been familiar with since childhood. Started in the Qing Dynasty, it is an old and important manufacturer mainly producing loquat paste. His family's Chuanbei loquat paste is particularly famous. Generally, the throat is dry and itchy, and the cough is phlegm, and the first thing that comes to mind is loquat paste. A must have for a general home medicine cabinet. Unexpectedly, Yami has this product when the epidemic is so severe. And the price is so cheap. Buy it back immediately as a stockpile in your medicine cabinet. In fact, not only can you use it if your throat is uncomfortable, but this product from his family can also be taken properly as a health care product. Because this product is natural medicinal, gentle and soothing. In autumn and winter, it can nourish the lungs and moisten the throat, which is very recommended. 京都念慈菴,一个大家从小耳熟能详的品牌。始于清朝,是一家以生产枇杷膏为主的老牌重要制造商。他家的川贝枇杷膏尤为著名。一般嗓子干痒,咳嗽有痰,第一时间想到的就是枇杷膏。一般的家里药箱必备啊。 没想到亚米竟然在疫情那么严重的时候,有这款产品。而且价格那么便宜。立刻买回来作为药箱储备。其实不仅仅是嗓子不舒服可以使用,平时他家的这款产品,也可以作为保健品适当服用。因为这款产品是天然入药,温和舒缓。在秋冬季节可以养肺润喉,非常值得推荐。