The "robot cat pocket pot" aimed at buydeem's face value looks small and has large capacity. Of course, I love steamed buns and steamed buns. I still need to move to see other steamers 🤭 For a family of four like ours, it's enough. The omnipotent Yami Christmas spike cost $195.99 for the double-layer one, and gave me a gift card of $40, that is to say, I spent $155.99 for this pot! Yami is also duty-free. It's really worth it!!! The pot is also equipped with two stewing cups. I haven't used them yet. At present, I steam small milk bags and corn. It feels good to use. SAIC is fast and can be timed. It's really convenient 🤫 I make complaints about the steam problem. I personally think this is a common disease in the whole pot. Maybe the North Ding will be a little bit bigger. I can still accept it in my place. It is good to be careful when driving. 冲着北鼎的颜值下手的这款“机器猫口袋锅”,看着小,容量大。 当然,特别爱蒸包子馒头啥的,还是需要移步去看看其他的蒸锅🤭 像我们这样一家四口,用起来足够了。 万能的亚米圣诞节秒杀入的,双层的就花了$195.99,还送了$40的礼卡,也就是说这锅我就花了$155.99!亚米还给免税,真的是超值啦!!! 锅里面还自配了两个炖盅,我还没用过。 目前就蒸了小奶包跟玉米啥的,使用感很好,上汽快,可定时,真的很方便🤫 看到也挺多吐槽开盖蒸汽问题的,我个人认为这是整锅都有的通病呀,或许北鼎这个会大一点点,在我这我还是能接受的,自己开的时候小心一些便好。 # 年货好物种草指南 # # 高颜值餐具 #