# 年货好物种草指南 # 【溜溜梅-青梅(原味/绿茶)/西梅】 「Liu Liu Mei(plum-original&green tea)/ prunes」 酸酸甜甜的零嘴蜜饯. 平时嘴馋,看剧无聊,没胃口 吃了特别解馋开胃!!看剧一个接一个根本停不下来!!! 「super nice little treat to eat when watching video,lack of interest to eat,and want to eat snack. Onceyou start eating,you will continue to eat until finished.」 包装独立方便 分量足 -原味和绿茶青梅:15个 -西梅:19个 表皮微微有韧劲 果肉软糯. 有酸度不是很甜的那种. 「Individually packaged making it super convenient. The amount of plum within is decent. 15 for the green plum and prunes」 「The outer skin is a bit chewy while the inner meat is soft. It is sweet and sour but sour is the main flavor.」