# 年货好物种草指南 # Have a good breakfast! This quicksand Phoenix bag is very popular with children. He said that the little one looks very cute and tastes delicious. Our diet is quite Chinese, even the children are no exception There are 12 in a bag. There is no need to thaw. Steam in boiling water for 8-10 minutes. Get up in the morning and put it in the pot before washing. After washing, there will be a hot breakfast! Another boast, I personally think Buydeem steamer is very convenient, especially suitable for steaming these small things, very fast ~ Kwai Sha Bao is suitable for breakfast, afternoon tea and midnight snack (not recommended for midnight snack). The key is quick and convenient. 早餐要吃好! 这个 广州酒家 的流沙凤凰包小朋友巨喜欢,他说小小一个看着很可爱,吃起来也好吃。 我们家饮食都还挺中国胃的,连小朋友都不例外 一袋有12个,无需解冻,沸水蒸8-10分钟。 早上起来洗漱前先把它下锅,洗漱完就有热腾腾的早餐啦! 再夸一波,我个人觉得北鼎 蒸锅很方便,特别适合蒸这些小东西,很快~ 流沙包是早餐、下午茶、宵夜(不建议吃宵夜~)都合适,关键是快手又方便!