# 年货好物种草指南 # I really love spicy food, but amnot capable of eating spicy food. This cream cheese turkey noodle is very suitable. Although still quite spicy, the cream cheese slightly neutralized the spiciness and made the noodles richer. Add more side dishes and you're done with a nutritious meal. I won't introduce more about turkey noodles, it's too famous. The noodles are very firm and smooth. It is also very convenient to make. Boil the noodles for 5 minutes, add seasonings and side dishes, and cook for a while before eating. 有没有像我这样的,有一颗爱吃辣的心,但是又不太能吃辣的矛盾体。那这款奶油芝士火鸡面比较合适。虽然还是挺辣的,但是奶油芝士略微中和了辣味,让面的口感也更加丰富。多加点配菜,营养丰富的一餐就搞定啦。 火鸡面就不多介绍了,太有名了。面条非常劲道爽滑。制作也很方便,水开煮面5分钟,加调料加配菜,再煮一会就能吃了。