# YamiSakuraSeason # Today, there are two flavors, the classic silk stockings and milk tea, and one is toffee hazelnut mandarin duck. I prefer silk stockings and milk tea 🥤 A little, mandarin duck tastes too sweet! Or maybe I drank milk tea first and then mandarin duck, so I think it's too sweet? 🤔 Mandarin ducks also have one more calorie than milk tea There are warm tips on the top of the cover. Insomnia patients hold back and drink blindly! Not bad ~ Spring outing. 今天两种口味,经典的丝袜奶茶,一种是太妃榛果鸳鸯。 我更喜欢丝袜奶茶🥤一点,鸳鸯喝起来我觉得太甜啦!也可能是我先喝了奶茶,再喝鸳鸯,所以觉得它太甜?🤔️鸳鸯的卡路里也比奶茶高一丢丢~ 盖子顶部都有温馨小提示,失眠患者憋瞎喝哟! 还不错~