# BlackFriYay! # I like sour and spicy food with soup. Soup, fat beef, my heart is good There are no shops in the countryside to do this. I can only do it at home. Haohao renjia sour soup fat beef seasoning 100g It's very simple. Slice tenderloin or buy hot pot beef slices directly. Saute the blood for later use. Hot and cold oil Dry Chili after the oil is heated (I like to eat it spicy) Soup, fat beef, stir-fry until fragrant. Boil in water. Add vermicelli bean sprouts and Flammulina velutipes (forget it if you don't have any) Finally, add the beef prepared before and a little white pepper. Sprinkle a little millet chopped green onion on it before coming out of the pan. Just do it. If you like to eat sour, you can add a little vinegar (preferably white vinegar). Find a nice plate. Is there a restaurant feel?