# BlackFriYay! # This gold medal dry Chongqing dry noodles was bought by Yami a while ago. It is very popular on Xiaohongshu. I always think that Chongqing noodles are not very delicious. I bought this with the attitude of trying. It is spicy and fresh. Fragrant, I didn't expect the taste to be very good‼ ️ 🥗 It has rich ingredients and contains 6 packets: peanut packet, soy sauce packet, red oil packet, chili packet, sauce packet, mustard packet and sesame paste packet. 🍜 The method of his small noodles is extremely simple, just put the small noodles in boiling water for 2 minutes and remove, then put in all the ingredients, stir evenly and start eating‼ ️If you want to add eggs, you can fry the eggs while cooking the noodles‼ ️ 👉 The noodles are thinner, more gluten than ordinary Chongqing noodles, and very smooth. Due to the lack of spicy food, the red oil and chili packs are not all in, but it still feels super exciting to eat‼️