# BlackFriYay! # Korean fried sticky rice sauce is generally on the sweet side, and this one is no exception! The first three items on the list of ingredients are water, corn syrup and sugar. The saltiness is moderate, the spice level is mild/medium, and the consistency is very thick and sticky. One can is 840 grams, and you can make fried rice cakes about 5 to 6 times. Here is my personal recipe: 1. Heat oil in a pan, add sliced garlic and onion and sauté until fragrant. 2. Add sausage slices and stir-fry until fragrant, then add two spoons of tomato sauce and three spoons of spicy fried rice cake sauce and continue to stir-fry. 3. Add a little red wine, soy sauce and oyster sauce to your taste. 4. Add your favorite ingredients, such as diced carrots, corn kernels, diced green vegetables and mushrooms, etc. 5. Add the pre-cooked rice cakes and stir-fry together. Pay attention to the time when the rice cakes are cooking, and cook until they are half-cooked. 6. Add kimchi and some pine nuts to taste when it is out of the pan, and sprinkle a little sesame as a final garnish when serving.