What is that Taste?

At first, opening this was exciting. The noodles felt some what fresh since they were flexinble and contained several packets for flavoring such as chilli oil, dried veggies (onions, scallions, soybean) and broth powder


It looks and smells amazing after putting it together. First bite was a little strange and the second bite did not help. When i tried to stop and think about the flavors, there was a weird after taste and unpleasent sensation on my tongue😟😣😢

I could not get passed the second bite and threw the rest of the noodles into the garbage. Im not sure what the noodles were suppose to taste like but that did not taste well at all. 

Anyone else tried these, please tell me what you think and let me know if I am misunderstanding something.😨😨 Other wise these are not recommended to try