產品特色:1.來自宇和海的未經加工的珍珠散發出珍珠的柔和光彩。以純天然的外觀和高級的質感擄獲顧客的心。 2.各種顏色、形狀和大小,看起來很相似,但每款都與眾不同。 3.北緯33度,東經132度,位於愛媛縣一帶的海域,稱為「宇和海」。宇和海的珍珠生產歷史已有100多年,珍珠產量連續14年位居日本前列,是一片當之無愧的"珍珠之海"。宇和海的珍珠得到世界珠寶商的認可,說起“Top of Akoya”,就是“產自宇和海”的意思。
Due to the New Year holiday in Japan in 2025, the logistics is out of service and orders cannot be shipped during 12/31-1/3. We'll ship out your orders asap after the holiday. Thank you for your patience.
The seller will ship the orders within 1-2 business days. If the package incurs any import tariff, the customer should take care by themselves. The US Custom may require the customer to provide personal information such as passport info. If the customer refuses to provide and thus causes the return or trash of the package, the customer shall take responsibility for the loss. Please provide correct shipping information, otherwise, the customer shall take responsibility for the loss caused by the wrong information. The package will need your signature, so please check your email and text messages to make sure the carrier could reach out to you. Thank you for your understanding!
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