🈳️The Temptation of Bottle Eve ~ Armani Acqua di Gioia

 ArmaniYes span>1975Designed by fashion designer George·Armani (Giorgio Armani) was founded in Milan. It was a men's clothing brand at the beginning, and then women's clothing was added. , with the expansion of Armani's fashion field, Armani gradually developed towards other fashion trends, pioneering in 1982yearArmaniArmani perfume company, I admire and admire talented designers

Acqua di GioiaArmani's new fragrance for women, fromGiorgio Armaniatpantelleria and antiguasummer vacation< span class="s3">⛱️Inspiration!

Floral fragrance for women, round, clean and transparent glass bottle, long-lasting floral fragrance of forest plants and aquatic plants, very suitable for subtropical monsoon climate, lightly sprayed, breath Long-lasting, Eve-like seductive and natural-looking fresh scent

It's usually quiet, or the little pot friends are tired from playing on the sofa, lying on the rug and falling asleep, or they are " Do bad things, most of the latter are more of the latter  

As expected, I found that he finished spraying most of my bottle of perfume, and the whole body is like a little pot friend who has been drenched in a layer of rain, and it smells fresh. The floral notes didn't make me rave about him, but the scented Armanisweet warmth💕

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🈳️瓶夏娃的诱惑~阿玛尼Acqua di Gioia

 Armani1975年由时尚设计大师乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)创立于米兰,成立之初是做男装的品牌,之后增加了女装,随着阿玛尼时装领域的扩大,阿玛尼逐渐朝着其他时尚潮流发展,在1982年开创了Armani阿玛尼香水公司,非常欣赏佩服有才质的设计家

Acqua di Gioia阿玛尼新寄情女性香水,来自于Giorgio Armanipantelleria and antigua暑期度假⛱️激发出来的灵感!


