I personally like to study nail art 💅 things I bought a lot of nail art materials at home.. I usually paint colors and make some simple styles every time One day I was looking at the mobile app and saw a video on how to make nails Attracted by the style inside, so... For the first time, I have extended myself. … To be honest, it's hard to say... Because the left hand shakes the right hand so much And it's the first time...it took 4.5 hours But satisfied with the result
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我个人很喜欢研究美甲💅东西 家里买了一大堆美甲材料.. 平时每次都是就涂涂颜色弄些简单样式 某天看手机app,看见教做指甲视频 被里面款式吸引了,于是.... 就有了第一次自己给自己做延长.... 说实话挺一言难尽的... 因为左手给右手抖的厉害 而且还是第一次做...搞了4.5个小时 不过成果很满意