# 被二哥种草了 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # Thanks again to the father of the gold master and the eldest lady for choosing me as the evaluation officer~ I am No. 3 hehe~ The speed is super fast and likes! ! 🙈😍ི Yesterday I already praised the lazy hot pot, today I will praise something else~ ✨The ebony juice to extinguish the fire for you✨ When I took this out, my roommate couldn't stop laughing hahahaha! Because it really looks like firefighting supplies 🤣🤣🤣 super fun haha! The official said that you can add other props after drinking it as a whole person. ✨Snoopy water bottle and Milkis Snoopy co-branded drink✨ This issue is really girlish~ The Snoopy kettle itself is super light, so it is especially suitable for taking it when going out to play! I have always liked Milkis, and this review is that the taste is also very suitable for my taste buds. The combination of peach aroma and bubbles is perfect! ! ! ✨Peach Blossom Peach Gum ✨ As a person who is not so healthy, I actually rarely take these supplements, but to my surprise, this is really delicious~ I checked the efficacy and role of peach gum, including clearing stones, protecting hematopoietic function, prolonging life, maintaining beauty and so on. The efficacy and role of peach gum has a very good effect in the treatment of urinary system diseases. Delicious, healthy and great looking! ! It can be said to be in love haha! ✨Chinese herbal toothpaste✨ The packaging of this toothpaste makes people feel at ease~ It can reduce inflammation, reduce swelling and quickly relieve pain~ I have no pain recently, but I feel really comfortable after using it😳The gums feel very relaxed~ I believe that if you keep using it, it will definitely help the bleeding! ! Thanks again ❤️ 📦 from the mall may still be on the way~ I look forward to it even more hahaha 🙈🙈
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亚米精選 # 被二哥种草了 # # 我要当测评官第9期 # 再次感谢金主爸爸和大小姐选我当测评官~我的是3号嘻嘻~速度超快点赞!!🙈😍ི 昨天已经夸过了懒人火锅啦,今天来夸夸别的~ ✨替你们消消火之乌梅汁✨ 这个拿出来的时候室友笑得停不下来哈哈哈哈!因为真的太像消防用品了🤣🤣🤣超级好玩哈哈!官方说可以喝完之后加入别的作为整人道具哈哈哈🤪唯一就是如果是喷的就更好了哈哈,那就更像了~ ✨史努比水壶和Milkis史努比联名款饮料✨ 这期真的好有少女心呀~史努比水壶本身自重超级轻所以特别适合出去玩的时候带! Milkis我是一直很喜欢的,这次测评的是🍑味道的也特别符合我的味蕾,桃子的香味和气泡结合简直完美!!! ✨桃花桃胶羹✨ 作为一个不那么养身的人我其实很少吃这些补品,但是出乎我意料的是这个真的还挺好吃的哎~ 查了一下桃胶的功效与作用还包括清除结石、保护造血功能,有延年益寿、驻颜美容等。 桃胶的功效与作用在治疗泌尿系统疾病方面有很好的效果。 又美味又健康还颜值巨高!!可以说是爱了哈哈! ✨中药牙膏✨ 这款牙膏的包装看了就让人有种安心的感觉呢~可以消炎去肿快速消痛~ 我最近不痛不过用完之后真的感觉很舒服😳牙龈感觉很放松~相信坚持用下去一定会对出血有帮助哒!! 再次感谢❤️商城的📦可能还在路上~我更加期待了哈哈哈🙈🙈