# 清透妆容 # # 百万积分第7季 # With the end of the last carnival in the surrounding area, the summer outdoor activities in the village have basically come to an end. Yesterday, I went to the largest carnival in Michigan on Labor Day. It was crowded with people after a long absence. The sun was shining brightly when I went there. It started to rain while waiting in line for the Ferris wheel, and it stopped after playing. . Continue to shine brightly. Because the winter in the village lasted for half a year, the old father and mother cherished the summer very much. As much as possible, he took the baby out for outdoor activities every week, such as zoos, boating, lawn music festivals, various carnivals, fire truck shows, etc., and played all summer. , sprayed two and a half bottles of Nuozha spray sunscreen! The baby's sunscreen is almost empty! I have recommended this one. I use other sunscreens except for my face. I use this for the skin of my limbs exposed to the sun. My husband also uses this for his face. It's not greasy at all, and it's more resistant to use. Unlike the Ansun Gold Bottle Spray, it's empty after three uses. It's also very expensive. Baby's anti-insect stickers are also recommended by the way, easy to use!
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# 清透妆容 # # 百万积分第7季 # 随着周边最后一个嘉年华的落幕,村里的夏日户外活动基本告一段落。昨天劳工节去了密西根州最大的嘉年华,久违的人山人海,去的时候艳阳高照,排着队等摩天轮呢就下起了雨,玩完下来就停了。。继续艳阳高照。 因为村里冬天长达半年,老父亲老母亲十分珍惜夏天,尽可能的每周都带娃出来户外活动,动物园、划船、草坪音乐节、各种嘉年华、消防车展等等等等,玩了整个夏天,喷空了两瓶半娜扎喷雾防晒!娃的防晒基本要空了! 我推荐过这款了,除了脸我用其他防晒,四肢暴露在太阳下的皮肤都用这个,老公脸也用这个,有时候着急了娃的四肢也喷它,又快速又好用又便宜。完全不油腻,也比较抗用,不像安耐晒金瓶喷雾,用三次就空了,还很贵,坑人。 娃的防虫贴也顺道推荐,好用!