Every household must have a small household appliance👇 Joyoung Soymilk Maker ▪️The Joyoung Soy Milk Maker adopts a split structure design. The machine head and the cup body are separated. The top of the machine head is equipped with a handle. After grinding the soy milk, the machine head needs to be lifted to pour out the soy milk. ▪️After the power is turned on, the control panel on the top of the soymilk maker will light up, select the pulping mode you want, wait for 30 seconds after selecting the mode, and the soymilk maker will start pulping according to the current mode. ▪️Joyung Soymilk Maker CTS-2038, with a small measuring cup, filter, cleaning cloth, and a milk cup, there are five gears, the corn juice has not been used yet. The sound of the dry beans will be louder than that of the wet beans. The bean dregs that come out will be less. This time I made peanut pulp, two small measuring cups of peanuts, about 4-5 servings, add water to the low water level in the pot, start it up in about 35 minutes, and it will be issued after beating The sound of dripping, the peanut milk can be used without filtering. I like it more delicate. I filter it with the filter spoon that comes with the soymilk machine, and then put it in the automatic precipitation. After the sediment settles, you can drink it. This kind of peanut pulp The taste will be more mellow and delicious. If you like sweet, you can add sugar or rock sugar while it is still hot. I don’t add any if I don’t like sweet. In the morning, it’s perfect with a toast and steamed bun or something 😋. ▪️Multiple use of one machine is simple and convenient, but the noise is quite loud. I love the rice paste file to be very delicate, and the grains of the grains are quite large. The family prefers rice paste and is easy to digest. Rice paste and soy milk are made once every two days. peanut paste and nutrition and healthy ~ ~ # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 #
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亚米精選 家家户户必备的小家电👇九阳豆浆机 ▪️九阳豆浆机采用分体式的结构设计,机头和杯体是分开的,机头顶部配有把手,研磨豆浆完毕后需要将机头提起才能倒出豆浆. ▪️接通电源后,豆浆机机顶的控制面板就会发亮,选择你想要进行的制浆模式,选择好模式后等待30秒,豆浆机就会根据当前的模式开始制浆. ▪️九阳豆浆机CTS-2038,有小量杯,过滤网,清布,接浆杯,有五档,玉米汁这档还没用过.干豆档声音会比湿豆大一些,湿豆打出来的豆渣会少点.这次做的是花生浆,两杯小量杯花生,大概是4-5人份,水加至锅内的低水位线,启动大概35分钟完工,打好后会发出滴滴滴的声音,花生浆不用过滤都可以,我喜欢细腻点的,用豆浆机自带的过滤网勺过滤,再放那自动沉淀,等沉淀物沉淀下来就可以喝了,这样的花生浆的口感会更加香醇可口.喜欢甜的可以趁热加糖或冰糖,我是不爱甜的都不加,早晨再配个吐司馒头什么的完美😋. ▪️一机多用简单方便,就是噪音蛮大的,很爱米糊档打出来的非常细腻,五谷打出来颗粒还是蛮大的,家人更爱米糊也易消化,每两天来一次米糊 豆浆 花生浆~~又养生又健康# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 百万积分第7季 # # 开学第一单 #