# 换季护肤 # [Continue to use the mask] Following the previous article, the Hollywood Glamglow mask is also very famous. The purple can is also a mask that I have been repurchasing indefinitely. The main function of the purple pot is to tighten the skin. Anti-wrinkle. At my age, anti-wrinkle must be done well. Otherwise, when wrinkles appear in the beginning of maintenance, it will be a bit unprepared! And this one comes with a mask brush. The quality is very good. No matter how you pull the bristles, the bristles will not fall out. Kill the brush you bought yourself 😂... So use the brush to evenly cover the whole face. Avoid the eye area. The smell of this is also It smells good. I like it. Then it dries in about 20 minutes. Just tear it off. Then wash it off with water. It doesn't hurt at all. It's very comfortable. My two girls like this mask very much .because they also enjoyed the process of tearing off the mask for me. Hahaha.
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# 换季护肤 # 【面膜继续用起来】 继上一篇说到好莱坞Glamglow面膜也是非常出名了.紫罐也是我一直无限回购的面膜. 紫罐的主要功能是紧致肌肤.抗皱.到了我这个年纪.抗皱一定要做好了.不然等皱纹出现在开始保养就有点措手不及了!而且这款有配送面膜刷.质量非常的赞.刷子毛怎么拔都不会掉毛.秒杀自己买的刷子😂...所以用刷子均匀的涂满全脸.避开眼周围.这款的味道也很好闻.喜欢.然后大概20分钟就干了.直接撕掉.然后用水清洗即可.撕的过程一点都不觉得疼.还很舒服..我家两位闺女们很喜欢我做这款面膜.因为她们也很享受帮我撕面膜的过程.哈哈哈.