🔥A Kuan Salted Egg Yolk Turkey Noodle🔥
The domestic turkey noodles produced by Baijia Chenji are finally eaten
I can't help but eat my Black Friday order as soon as I unbox it
The packaging is cute, there are two seasoning packets and a bubble bread after opening
Bubble bread is small and individually packaged, very hygienic
After boiling, the weight will increase, and the noodle texture will be chewy and chewy.
Not too spicy but slightly sweet
The spicy taste is neutralized by the addition of cheese and seaweed
Super delicious 😋
A product that will be repurchased!
# 一秒变好吃 # # 生活要有仪式感 #
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🔥阿宽 咸蛋黄火鸡面🔥
白家陈记出品的国产火鸡面 终于吃到啦
包装可爱 拆开后有两个调料包 一个泡面包
泡面包小小的 单独包装 很卫生
煮开后分量会变多 面条口感Q弹有嚼劲
味道不会很辣 还会有微甜的口味
由于加了芝士和海苔 中和了辣的口感
# 一秒变好吃 # # 生活要有仪式感 #