# 即食美味 # # 亚米第一单 #The first time I tried tin foil powder, I just added the seasoning powder and chili oil properly, because I thought it would be too salty and too salty. Its flour is like winter flour. After boiling, the taste is smooth and not glutinous, but refreshing and chewy. I really like that it has enoki mushrooms as a side dish, and there are really 🈶️5 small clams in it. The clam meat is canned quality, the meat is a bit soft and glutinous and no elasticity, but the taste of the clams is still there. Although it is not as good as fresh clams, there are 5 pieces of clam meat in the cup noodles, which is still very positive! 6 cups for $20.99, good price👍🏻
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亚米精選 # 即食美味 # # 亚米第一单 #第一次尝试锡纸花甲粉,里面的调味粉和辣油我只是适当地加入而并没有全部倒进,因为觉得会太咸和太辣。它的粉像冬粉,煮开后口感滑溜不软糯,而是爽口带点嚼劲。我非常喜欢它有金针菇作配菜,里面还真的🈶️5小颗蛤蜊肉。蛤蜊肉就是罐头品质,肉质有点软糯没有了弹性,但蛤蜊的味道还是有的。虽然比不上新鲜的蛤蜊,能在杯面里有5颗蛤蜊肉,还是很正的!6杯只要$20.99,价钱不错👍🏻