When the time came it ~ # 面膜解说员 # # 我的美丽日记 # talk about this very effective hyaluronic acid # 保湿面膜 # of experience. # 面膜控 #Every day is inseparable # 面膜 #的Oh~ 1. 面膜 package: standalone package. A box of 8 bags, each bag is folded and folded together with plastic paper. 2. Essence: The essence is watery and transparent, very refreshing, very thin and a lot. 3. 面膜 paste clipping: clipping is relatively common, and it cannot avoid wrinkles when applied on the face (but it does not affect the use). This 面膜 can not be applied to the nose, nor the junction of the face and ears. 4. 面膜 flavor: no fault. The following is the punch & experience: 8/10/2020_Day 1️⃣: Finished at 17:11. This box is seamless 我的美丽日记_squalene repair保湿面膜. I felt refreshed after the first day. After application, there is no discomfort or tingling on the whole face. There is slight itching during the application process, and there is no allergy. And this 面膜 is much more docile than the same brand of squalene repair 保湿面膜. You can see pores 🈶️ shrinking as soon as you apply it, but it doesn't last long. 8/11/2020_Day 2️⃣: Finished at 19:48. This really hydrating 💦 is really hydrating, more than the previous ones, visible to the naked eye. After taking a bath, take one piece, refreshing and refreshing, suitable for summer. 8/12/2029_Day 3️⃣: Finished at 21:17. After applying it, the skin feels tender, and the hyaluronic acid really works, and it can even be said to be immediate. After application, the pores can be shrunk to the naked eye. After using this 面膜, there has been no moderate oil production, and the skin is not dry, so I personally think that this moisturizing effect is solid💦 and I feel that the skin is tightened after applying it today. to. 8/14/2020_Day 4️⃣: Finish at 0:58. It's really about pore shrinking! Really effective and really moisturizing, the essence is dripping down. No more oily skin on my face! (Giving a piece to my roommate today, I can only do a 7-day evaluation. 8/14/2020_Day 5️⃣: Finish at 17:05. I feel a little itchy during the application process, but after application 🈚️ any discomfort. It does shrink pores and makes it smooth and supple. Hyaluronic acid is still hyaluronic acid🐂🍺, but today the essence has been dripping into the neck, which is not very worry-free. 8/15/2020_Day 6️⃣: Finished at 20:05, unfortunately only bought one box. This rinsing really comfortable, personal feel after blasting the same brand of Damascus rose 面膜 & amp; Black Pearl Whitening 面膜 & amp; squalene repair 保湿面膜. Brighter than royal pearls 面膜 btw today the essence also dripped down, not too worry. 8/16/2020_Day 7️⃣: Finish at 19:15. excellent! My pores are noticeably improved after every application, but it doesn't last long. The overall effect of hydration is more obvious. After 7 days, my pores did shrink by about 5%. Even if I look in the mirror, I can still see the pores, but they are not as obvious as before when the oil was moderately oily. My personal pores problem is not very serious, so this level is still satisfactory. Conclusion: 🉑️ Repurchase! (Note: I don't wash my face after applying this 面膜.
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亚米精選 就来当一次# 面膜解说员 #吧~ 讲一下# 我的美丽日记 #这款玻尿酸极效# 保湿面膜 #的使用感受。# 面膜控 #的每一天都是离不开# 面膜 #的嗷~ 1. 面膜包装:独立包装。一盒8袋,每袋一片面膜跟塑料纸叠合折好放在一起。 2. 精华液:精华液是水状透明的,很清爽很稀也很多。 3. 面膜贴裁剪:裁剪较为普通,敷在脸上无法避免褶皱(但不是影响使用)。这款面膜敷不到鼻翼,也敷不到脸部与耳朵的交界处。 4. 面膜味道:无功无过。 以下为打卡&使用感受: 8/10/2020_第1️⃣天:17:11敷完。这盒无缝衔接我的美丽日记_角鲨烯修护保湿面膜。第一天用完感觉很清爽。敷完后全脸无不适,无刺痛感,敷的过程中有轻微发痒感,无过敏,个人认为敏感肌🉑️用(我是敏感肌)。而且这款面膜比同品牌的角鲨烯修护保湿面膜服帖很多。敷完的瞬间可以看到毛孔🈶️缩小,但持续时间不长。 8/11/2020_第2️⃣天:19:48敷完。这款确实补水💦是真的补,比之前的都补,肉眼可见的补。洗完澡来一片,清清爽爽,适🈴️夏天。 8/12/2029_第3️⃣天:21:17敷完。敷完感觉皮肤变嫩了,玻尿酸确实见效,甚至可以说立竿见影了。敷完肉眼可见毛孔有缩小,用了这款面膜之后目前还没出现过中度出油的情况,皮肤也不干,所以个人觉得觉得这个补水效果是实打实的💦并且今天敷完觉得皮肤变紧致了。 8/14/2020_第4️⃣天:0:58敷完。真的就毛孔收缩大法!真的有效真的润,精华液都滴下来了。脸没再出现中度出油的情况了!(今天送给室友一片,只能做7天测评了。 8/14/2020_第5️⃣天:17:05敷完。敷的过程中感觉有一点痒,但是敷完🈚️任何不适。确实有缩小毛孔变光滑水嫩,玻尿酸果然还是玻尿酸🐂🍺,就是今天精华液一直滴到脖子里,不太省心。 8/15/2020_第6️⃣天:20:05敷完,可惜只买了一盒。这款敷完当真舒爽,个人感觉完爆同品牌的大马士革玫瑰面膜&黑珍珠焕白面膜&角鲨烯修护保湿面膜。比皇室珍珠晶亮面膜好用但不至于完爆吧。btw今天精华液也滴下来了,不太省心。 8/16/2020_第7️⃣天:19:15敷完。优秀!我的毛孔每次刚敷完有明显改善,但是维持时间不长。补水效果总体是较明显的。7天下来我的毛孔确实有缩小,程度大概是缩小了5%左右。就是照镜子还是看得到毛孔,但是没有之前中度出油时那么明显了。我个人毛孔问题不是非常严重,所以这种程度还是满意的。 结论:🉑️回购! (注:这款面膜我敷完是不洗脸的。