# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 🍁Wang Shouyi's thirteen incense is probably familiar to everyone. It is also one of the all-purpose seasonings in my family. Especially when frying meat, I am used to adding a little thirteen incense, and it is very fragrant. I also learned this from me. I learned it from my mother who is not very good at cooking. My mother has to put thirteen incense in fried meat dishes. After coming to the United States, I also never knew how to cook, so Shisanxiang is the only "cooking skill" that my mother "inherited" to me😂 🍁Brand: Wang Shouyi Name: Thirteen incense Net content: 45g Yami selling price: $1.29 🍁Thirteen spice, as the name suggests, contains thirteen spices such as cumin and star anise, which is especially convenient for me who have insufficient spices at home. Every time there is stock, I have to stock up a few boxes, and I have to use it for fried meat, stewed meat, dumplings, etc. Moreover, Wang Shouyi is also a time-honored brand in China. It is also very happy to be able to buy it here. It feels like eating hometown. 🍁What are the useful all-purpose condiments you usually use in cooking? Welcome to share with each other~
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亚米精選 # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 🍁王守义十三香估计大家都不陌生,这也是我家其中一种万能调味品了,尤其是炒肉的时候,我都习惯放点十三香,炒出来特别香,这一点我也是从我那不太会做饭的老妈身上学来的,我妈炒肉菜都要放十三香。来美后我也是从不会做菜开始的,所以十三香算是我妈“传承”给我的唯一一点“做菜技巧”了😂 🍁品牌:王守义 品名:十三香 净含量:45g 亚米售价:$1.29 🍁十三香顾名思义就是包含小茴香、八角等十三种香料,对于家里香料不全的我来说特别方便。每次有货都要囤几盒,炒肉炖肉包饺子等都要用到。而且王守义也是中华老字号,在这边也能买到也是特别开心,吃到家乡的感觉。 🍁你们平时做菜都有什么好用的万能调味品呢,欢迎大家互相分享呀~