# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # Makeup cotton is an indispensable part of daily maintenance. I use a lot of cotton pads. Greater than wet compress, lotion, makeup remover... Less than Sassafras nail polish can be used. So it is really important to find a cotton pad that is easy to use and affordable. I have been using Shiseido before. Occasionally cpb. Not bad. But the price is not beautiful! The [Selena] cotton pads on Yami's are pretty good. A box of 80 pieces. Each has 5 pieces stacked. So it's 400 pieces. The price is about $3. I basically use it to remove makeup. For wet compresses, I choose [Unicharm] cotton pads. This is considered a small net red in the drying area. This cotton pad is all cotton. The penetration is very strong. Very water-saving. And absolutely no lint. I love it. The design is also good. It fits our face shape very well. The price is a bit more expensive than selena. But worth it. Because it's better!
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亚米精選 # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 日常保养中已经不能缺少化妆棉这个东西了. 我对化妆棉的用量真的非常大. 大于湿敷、化妆水、卸妆... 小于檫指甲油都用的上呢. 所以找到一款好用又好价格的化妆棉真的很重要. 以前一直用资生堂.偶尔cpb. 不错.但是价格不美丽! 亚米上的【Selena】化妆棉很不错. 一盒80片个.每个都有5片叠合的. 所以就是400片啦.价格是$3左右. 我基本都用它来卸妆. 湿敷的话我选择【Unicharm】化妆棉. 这在晒货区算小网红了. 这款化妆棉是全棉的. 渗透力非常强.非常省水. 而且完完全全不会起棉絮. 超喜欢. 设计感也很好. 很贴合我们脸型. 价格比selena贵一些. 但是值得.因为更好!