# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # Korean hot dogs can be made at home! In fact, Korean hot dog sausage is really not difficult to make. I have not bought hot dog sausage since I learned it. It's fresh and hot, and it's really delicious! The recipe below is mainly from Kirbie's craving, a Korean blogger. However, because the water absorption of each flour is different and the materials used are not exactly the same, I have made a little change. In addition, kirbie makes a normal version of corndog. I also recommend fried potato corndog here, which is more delicious! If you are interested, please read it~ 【Ingredients required】(The amount of 9 hot dogs) 1. Divide 3 fish sausages into 9 equal parts, I used the fish sausages bought on Yami 2. Mozzarella cheese strips, or buy whole, cut into 2cmx2cmx4cm cubes 3. My favorite frozen French fries from Checkers (already seasoned), you can also buy ordinary frozen French fries, or your potatoes, cut them into small cubes of about 0.5cm. You probably need the amount of one cup; 4. 1 cup bread crumbs 5. 9 bamboo sticks, disposable chopsticks can also be used if you can’t buy them 6. Oil for frying (note that the oil only needs to be used for the first frying, and the air fryer can be used for re-frying) 7. Essential sauces: mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup as you like. In addition, there is a super recommended Korean-style spicy fried rice cake sauce, which is super delicious! 【batter material】 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 pack of splenda (the original recipe used 2tbsp sugar) 1/2 tsp salt 2 tsp baking powder 100ml cold milk (the original house used 125ml, I think the paste obtained from my flour is slightly thin, so I reduced the water appropriately, mainly depends on the state, if it can hang on the wall and does not flow, you can add 100ml at the beginning, if it is too thick, see case with water) 1 egg Production Method 1. String fish sausage and cheese 2. For better operation, you can pour the batter into a deeper cup, but it is not bad to put it in a platter. 3. After wrapping the batter, roll it in bread crumbs or chips, and press lightly to shape 4. After the oil is hot, put it into the frying pan for the first frying, only need the surface of the hot dog sausage to be chubby and slightly golden before the pan. 5. For re-frying, you can fry in the air fryer at 350 for 5 minutes. Or turn the heat to high for a quick fry in a frying pan. 6. Finish cooking. Sprinkle with the sauce when serving!
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亚米精選 # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 韩式热狗肠在家就能做! 其实韩式热狗肠做起来真的不难,我自从学会以后就没有再去买过热狗肠了。自己做的新鲜又热乎,真的超好吃! 以下这个方子主要来自一位韩国博主Kirbie's craving。不过因为每家的面粉吸水性不同、用的材料不完全一样,我有做一点改变。另外kirbie做的是普通版的corndog,我这边还向大家推荐炸土豆corndog,更美味!感兴趣的宝宝就看下去吧~ 【所需材料】(9根热狗肠的量) 1. 3根鱼肉肠分成9等份,我用到的是亚米上买的鱼肉肠 2. Mozzarella芝士条,或者整块买来,切成2cmx2cmx4cm的长方体 3. 我最爱的Checkers的冻薯条(已经调味),买不到也可以一般的冻薯条,或者你家的土豆,切成0.5cm左右的小方块。你大概需要一个cup的量; 4. 面包糠1cup 5. 竹签9根,买不到用一次性筷子也可以 6. 需要炸的油(注意油只需要第一次炸使用,复炸可以用空气炸锅) 7. 必不可少的酱汁:蛋黄酱、芥末酱、番茄酱随意。另外还有超级推荐的韩式辣炒年糕酱,超好吃! 【面糊材料】 1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1包splenda(原方子用了2tbsp糖) 1/2 tsp盐 2tsp baking powder 100ml 冷牛奶(原房子用了125ml,我觉得我的面粉得到的糊略稀,于是适当减少了水分,主要还是看状态,要能够挂壁不流动,可以一开始加100ml,如果太稠,看情况加水) 1颗鸡蛋 制作方法 1. 把鱼肉肠和芝士串好 2. 为了好操作一点,可以把面糊倒进一个深一点的杯子,不过其实放在大浅盘里操作也没差 3. 裹好面糊后在面包糠里或者薯条粒中滚一圈,手轻轻按压塑型 4. 油热后下油锅进行第一次油炸,只需要热狗肠表面胖乎乎略金黄即可出锅。 5. 复炸,可以进空气炸锅350炸5分钟。或者把火力调到高火,在油锅里快速油炸一遍。 6. 完成出锅。吃的时候撒上酱料就可以了!