# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # Hot Pot Sauce Herbed On Yami The curry hot pot soup base is a bit strange to think about But after eating it, it was amazingly delicious This is a concentrate pack so it usually has a 1:1 ratio of water The taste has a light curry aroma and a little spicy taste Add all kinds of meat, meatballs, mushrooms, and finally the next noodles are perfect I have eaten hot pot several times this winter, and I have relied on it to support the scene. I quickly finished the few packs I bought before and immediately placed another order.
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# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 在亞米上被種草的火鍋醬料 咖哩火鍋湯底想想有點怪 但是吃了之後驚為天人的好吃 此為濃縮包所以通常會對1:1的水 味道有著淡淡地咖哩香與一點辣味 加各種肉、丸子、菇菌類、最後下個麵完美了 今年冬天吃了幾次火鍋都靠它撐場面 很快吃完之前買的幾包立馬又下了一單