# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 💙I don't know how many bags of melon seeds I have eaten, why did I recommend it? Maybe because every time I open it, I don't care about taking pictures📷, I can't help but knock it directly, and I can't stop, basically every time I open it, I have to knock a whole bag. 🤣 💙Product name: Cha Cha·Pecan seeds Net content: 160g Flavor: Pecan / Caramel Price: $3.29 Features: big / plump / fragrant 💙This is my favorite melon seeds at the moment, there is no one, even the caramel flavor does not have the fragrance of this pecan! Each of the several books is very full, the crispy melon seeds mixed with the fragrance of pecans, which is a perfect combination. I occasionally eat pieces of pecans in the bag, which can be said to be genuine! Dry after cooking, crispy and not easy to get angry, unlimited repurchase! 💙 Friends who like to eat melon seeds, go and try this pecan melon seeds! Absolutely love it once you eat it! 😉
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亚米精選 # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 💙这款瓜子我吃了不知道多少袋了,为什么才来推荐呢?可能因为每次打开都顾不上拍照📷就忍不住直接磕了起来,而且还停不下来,基本每次都是打开就要磕完一整袋。🤣 💙品名:恰恰·山核桃瓜子 净含量:160g 口味:山核桃味/焦糖味 价格:$3.29 特点:个大/饱满/香香香 💙这款是我目前最喜欢的瓜子,没有之一,就是焦糖味也没有这个山核桃的香!几本每一颗都非常饱满,瓜子的香脆混合着山核桃的香,非常完美的结合,我还真的偶尔在袋子里吃到山核桃碎块,可谓是货真价实了!煮制之后再烘干,香脆又不易上火,无限回购款! 💙喜欢嗑瓜子的小伙伴们快去尝尝这款山核桃瓜子!绝对吃一次就爱上的那种!😉