# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # This hyaluronic acid is super hydrating, so easy to cry! ! ! The skin feels tight after using it, and I have used two bottles since June. I only used it on my face at first, but I found out that it works well on the back of my hands and arms too. The weather in the south is inherently humid, and cosmetics and skin care products should not be too greasy, otherwise they will feel like dog skin plaster sticking to the skin. And this one is not greasy at all, super refreshing and absorbs immediately on the face and hands. For those who need to hydrate the skin, don't hesitate, highly recommended! ! !
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 这款玻尿酸超级补水,好用到哭!!!用后皮肤有绷紧的感觉,从6月份到现在已经用了两瓶了。刚开始只用在脸上,后来发现用在手背手臂上的效果也很好。南方的天气本来就潮湿,化妆品和护肤品不能用太油腻的,否则会觉得像狗皮膏药一样贴在皮肤上。而这款一点都不油腻,超级清爽,用在脸上手上立即吸收。需要给皮肤补水的伙伴们千万不要犹豫,强力推荐!!!