# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # Today's recommendation is Xinjiang's special snacks. Actually, I have never been to Xinjiang. So I saw some local specialty snacks. I wanted to buy them and try them. The brand of this is [Pink Xianjia] The series is divided into hot, medium and mild. I have self-awareness. I silently chose the spicy one. So while frying it. I poured all the sauce in. It's not mild to me. It's medium spicy anyway. I can't imagine how spicy it is. So I recommend adding a little more sauce. The sauce is spicy and sweet. It's actually quite fragrant. It's really different from the spicy food I usually eat. I think this is Xinjiang spicy food. Let’s talk about how to make rice noodles. Rice noodles need to be soaked 12 hours in advance. Then boil in boiling water for 10 minutes. If it is not soaked in advance, it needs to be cooked for 1 hour. I think this is a shortcoming. It will take away my desire to cook. It's taking too much time. However, the taste of rice noodles is very strong and Q bomb. The rice noodles are also a bit bigger than normal rice noodles. The taste is still alright. If you haven't tried it, you can try a pack of regional snacks.
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亚米精選 # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # 今天推荐的是新疆特色小吃. 其实我还没去过新疆. 所以看见一些当地的特色小吃食品.就很想买来试试. 这款的品牌是【粉鲜佳】 系列有分爆辣、中辣和微辣. 我有自知之明.就默默选了微辣. 所以在炒它的时候. 我是把全部酱汁都倒进去了. 对我来说这不是微辣.再怎么也算中辣吧. 我已经不敢想象爆辣的辣了. 所以还是建议一点点的加酱汁. 酱汁感辣中带着这甜.其实蛮香的. 和我平常吃的辣确实不一样.我想这就是新疆辣吧. 说下米粉做法吧. 米粉需要提前12小时浸泡. 然后在下锅沸水煮10分钟. 如果没有提前泡的话.需要煮1小时. 我觉得这是缺点吧.会打消我下厨的欲望. 太花时间了. 不过米粉的口感很劲道Q弹. 米粉也比平常的米粉要大一些. 味道还是可以的. 没试过的可以来一包试试地区风味小吃.