# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # This cherry blossom whitening mask from JAYJUN has always been very nourishing, but the price is a bit expensive, so I buy it infrequently. hhh I think this cherry blossom whitening mask is worth the money. After applying it, my face will be instantly whitened I feel that the effect of first aid whitening is still great. The trilogy looks very fresh, and the amount of eye cream in the third step is also very conscientious. If I apply it alone, I can wipe the entire face 😄 So I apply the night cream every time haha
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # JAYJUN的这款樱花美白面膜滋养度一直都很棒,就是价格贵了点所以买的次数不频繁hhh 这款樱花美白面膜我觉得是物有所值的,敷完脸之后真的会瞬间白一个度,感觉用来急救美白的效果还是很棒的。三部曲看着很新鲜,第三步的眼霜的量也非常良心,我一个人涂的话把整张脸给抹了都可以😄所以我每次都当晚霜来涂哈哈