# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Shiseido's FINO Repair Hair Mask needs no introduction. Everyone should know it. It has always had a good reputation. It is also the one that I have used for several years. There are only four bottles left at home, because there is another one that I must recommend, and I will introduce another one to you in the next article! FINO's hair mask contains 7 kinds of beauty essences, which can penetrate deep into the hair to repair damaged hair, and supplement the nutrients that the hair lacks. It can moisturize the hair and restore smooth hair. It is very suitable for damaged hair. Serious, frequent coloring leads to frizzy hair! FINO's hair mask is a thick type. I usually dig a piece, apply it to the roots, and wash it off after 3-5 minutes of massage. I use it about 2-3 times a week. If I use it too often, my hair will be too moisturizing. Makes the scalp greasy, it smells good, and it smells very comfortable. I love it, and I will repurchase it for a long time!
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亚米精選 # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 资生堂家的FINO修复发膜感觉不用多介绍应该大家都认识它了,口碑一直都很好的一款,也是我用了好几年的一款,每次减价我都一定会囤货,这次家里用到只剩下四瓶了,因为还有另外一款也是我必须推荐的,下一篇在跟大家介绍另外一款! FINO家的发膜含有7种美容液精华,可以深入头发修复受损发质,还有补充头发缺失的营养,可以给头发起到保湿滋润,恢复柔顺的发质,非常适用于头发受损很严重,经常染发导致毛躁的头发! FINO家的发膜属于稠的一种,平常我都是挖一块,涂发根,按摩之后3-5分钟洗掉就可以了,每周用大概2-3次,太经常用的话头发过于滋润就会让头皮变油腻了,它的味道是好闻的,闻起来也很舒服,我是挺爱它的,长期回购款!