I found out: I am the kind of customer who is attracted by the various discounts and benefits offered by merchants! Recently, YAMI Yami has been placing orders continuously because of receiving various 20% off 12% discount coupons, and even placed an order in order to get red envelopes🧧. What am I drawing? It's a good New Year's picture 🧨 🧧There are not many surprises for this order out of the box! Most of them are repurchases! The biggest surprise is the red envelope. right! I just placed the order for it. 🧧Holy Friends Egg Yolk Sandwich Pie: It's so delicious! Buy three boxes of three boxes, love its new packaging bag 💚 yellow and green matching! It's also really suitable! 🧧Youchen Meat Muffins: Internet celebrities are so greedy! I bought a box online, and I still remember the full meat floss. Stock up on two more boxes and share the deliciousness with your family and friends. 🧧 Haitai Butter Honey Potato Chips: A potato chip that has been planted since the first order of Yami. After I bought the small bag, the large bag was replenished! I can only accept it with joy~ Comfort yourself to eat less calories 🧧Panpan French Shortbread: Recently, I am very obsessed with shortbread and cakes. Every time I want to buy two packs, it is for the children at home. 🧧Pearl Milk Tea Pineapple Cake: I've been obsessed with it for a while 😍 I'm a little tired of eating too much! This time it was the sheer special price that attracted me. 🧧Master Kong's Delicious Crisp: my favorite salty and crispy biscuits 🧧 Every time more or less new products will be introduced, this time it is very rare • Oishi Onion Rings • Bourbon Lasagna Crisp Roll •Crown White Peach Fudge Fudge Of course, the protagonist is the big red envelope from YAMI 🧧 Includes a New Year's greeting from Yami & $5 off coupon I swear: this is my last order of the month! I can buy it, but I can't eat it anymore! I will visit Yami again on the day when the snacks are cleared. # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #
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亚米精選 我发现:我就是那种被商家的各种折扣送福利吸引的顾客!最近 YAMI 亚米 连续的下单,就是因为收到各种8折88折优惠券,甚至为了得到红包🧧下了一单。我图什么呀?就是新年图个好彩头吧🧨 🧧这单开箱没多大惊喜!大部分都是回购款!最大的惊喜莫过于红包壳。对!我就是为它,下的单。 🧧好丽友蛋黄夹心派:好吃到没话说!三盒三盒的买,爱它的新包装袋💚黄绿配!也真的挺配的! 🧧友臣肉松饼:网红到大家都馋了吧!我网购过一盒,至今还回味着那满满的肉松。多囤两盒,美味也分享给家人跟朋友们。 🧧 Haitai 黄油蜂蜜薯片:第一单亚米开始就被种草的一款薯片,在我买完小包之后,大包的补货了!只能欣然接受~安慰自己少摄入点卡路里吧 🧧盼盼法式小面包:最近对小面包小蛋糕特别痴迷,每次都想买两包,是给家里孩子囤的。 🧧珍珠奶茶凤梨酥:有一阵子可着迷了😍吃多了也就有点腻了!这次纯粹是特价吸引了我。 🧧康师傅美味酥:我爱的咸酥口感饼干 🧧每次多多少少会入点新品,这次特别少 • Oishi 上好佳 洋葱圈 • Bourbon 可可奶油千层酥脆卷 •Crown白桃味软软夹心软糖 当然,主角就是来自 YAMI 亚米 的大红包🧧 内附一份来自亚米的新年祝福&5刀优惠券 我发誓:这是我本月的最后一单了!买的动,但实在吃不动了!等零食清空日我再来逛亚米 # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #