
Pancake Lab (3)

Hello everyone, I am your pancake( ´ ` )

The Happy Snacks Review is here again! It was supposed to be updated todayTokyo BananaPostponed for one day, and updated tomorrow Because the pancake's flower cake arrived last night, bahahaha (akimbo), after all, it's a fresh and hot new product from Yami, the long-awaited flower cake, Of course you can jump in, right~

This time I bought two kinds of cakes: Rose Qunfang and Fragrant Jasmine. Rose Qunfang It is a collection of classic roses and purple sweet potato roses. There are four packs of each flavor.. Fragrant jasmine is eight in a pack. Small bag. The packaging is so long~ it looks good⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄ 

Pies eat pancakes, and you must be in a hurry to eat themψ( ∇´)ψ Follow me to try it out. Here we go< /span>

According to the taste from light to strong, the order of eating is decided initially. Let’s follow the pancakes to taste the jasmine first.(=´< /span>∀`)people∀`=)

With clothes:


Take off your clothes and take a bite:

Sweetness  ⭐️

Taste  The outer skin is the same as the traditional puff pastry, not oily or dry, and you can see it when you open the package.. The skin doesn't have much flour flavor. The jasmine stuffing inside doesn't have the taste of too many petals. It is estimated that it is very chopped?

Taste  Similar to the positioning of this one, the fragrant jasmine tastes relatively light, and the crust is almost tasteless when eaten alone, and the jasmine inside is also a touch of sweetness with a faint fragrance of jasmine. If you don't taste it, you won't notice it. The whole is not Very sweet, no tea is needed.. But because the shortbread is relatively dry, I drink water and eat it slowly. Will come out slowly. 

The second one to try is Purple Potato Rose🍠

With clothes:


Take off your clothes and take a sip:

Sweetness  ⭐️⭐️

Taste  Purple Sweet Potato Rose's cake is relatively collapsed than the other two, and the outer skin is crisper and softer. Cut in half and you can see rose petals on the bottom of the cake, covered with soft and glutinous purple sweet potato mash. and jasmine flavor Compared with this purple potato rose, it can taste the meaning of flower cake.. Bite down the purple potato puree. Soft, with a tear of rose petals. 

Taste  Purple potato rose tastes more delicious than fragrant jasmine, sweet and soft. Purple potato puree and rose The proportion is just right, neither too much mashed potatoes can cover up the slightly sour and sweet roses, nor too little roses to lift the soft and glutinous mouth of mashed potatoes. The whole thing is not particularly sweet. It can be used with tea or not. It is a little more moist than jasmine and not too dry..

Finally, the cake will bring you to try the most classic rose-flavored flower cake (applause is needed here, bang bang bang bang).< /span>

With clothes:

Skin (shy):

Take a big bite:

Sweetness  ⭐️⭐️💫

Taste  The filling of the classic rose is so real! They all cracked the crust! It's just overflowing (Spirilla virgin overflowing on horseback .jpg) The outer skin of this one has the fragrance of roasted meringue, and when the package is torn open, the strong rose fragrance pops out directly. Crispy on the outside. Full of filling, The fibers of the rose petals are torn between the teeth. Unlike the restrained imperceptibility of the jasmine, the rose is generous and clear with every bite Showing the flower cake should taste the petals in every bite.

Taste  The baked crust is crispy and delicious. The rose filling is sweet and sour like candied fruit. The overall match is just right, it will be slightly sweeter than the previous two. span>Because it is relatively dry, the pancakes are eaten with green tea. A fairy who does not like sweets This shortbread should also be stress-free.

To sum up, the three flower cakes are delicious, and the fragrant jasmine is slightly less flavorful for sweet cakes.< span class="Apple-converted-space">  In terms of taste, the most delicious should be the classic rose. Some fans say that the rose essence is strong, but the pancakes are better, they smell better than they taste . Eating it is similar to candied roses and preserved hibiscus. It is not so sweet with the crust of the shortcake, just right.< span class="Apple-converted-space">  In terms of satiety, both purple sweet potato rose and rose are quite full. . Hiccup~

This is the end of the experimental evaluation of Panzi eating flower cake for the first time, see you tomorrow( ´` )

Welcome to find pancakes, follow each other, like, like, and chat with Amway, meow!

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大家好,我是你們的餅子( ´` )

又到了開開心心的零食測評啦!本來說好今天更新的Tokyo Banana順延一天,明天再更. 因為,餅子的鮮花餅昨晚到了啊,咩哈哈哈(叉腰)畢竟是新鮮熱辣剛出爐的亞米新品,大家期待已久的鮮花餅,當然可以插個隊,是吧~

這次餅子買的是玫瑰群芳和清香茉莉兩款. 玫瑰群芳是經典玫瑰和紫薯玫瑰的集合,兩個口味各有四包. 清香茉莉就是一包裡面八個小包. 包裝長這樣~挺好看的呀⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄ 

餅子吃餅子,相吃必須急ψ(∇´)ψ 大家跟著我一起來嚐嚐看吧. Here we go





甜度  ⭐️

口感  外皮和傳統酥皮一樣,不油不乾,開包裝的時候能看到很完整. 皮沒太多的麵粉香味. 裡面的茉莉內餡沒太多花瓣的口感,估計切很碎?

味道  如這款的定位一樣,清香茉莉味道比較清淡,單吃餅皮幾乎沒味道,內餡的茉莉也是淡淡的甜味帶著隱隱的茉莉花香. 不仔細嚐的話察覺不到. 整體也不是很甜,不需要配茶. 但因為酥餅比較乾,所以喝著水慢慢吃慢慢嚼,會有餘甘慢慢出來. 





甜度  ⭐️⭐️

口感  紫薯玫瑰的餅身比其他兩款要相對塌一下,外皮也比較酥,比較軟. 切半能看到玫瑰花瓣在餅的底部,上面鋪著軟糯的紫薯泥. 和茉莉味相比,這款紫薯玫瑰的更能吃出來鮮花餅的意義. 咬下去既有紫薯泥的軟,又帶著玫瑰花瓣的撕扯. 

味道  紫薯玫瑰吃起來比清香茉莉有滋味,香甜軟糯. 紫薯泥和玫瑰花的比例恰到好處,既不會薯泥過多掩蓋玫瑰的微酸甘甜,也不會玫瑰過少提不起薯泥的綿軟糯口. 整體不算特別甜,可配茶可不配,比茉莉多一分濕潤,不會太乾.





甜度  ⭐️⭐️💫

口感  經典玫瑰的內餡太實在了!都把餅皮給撐裂了!這簡直就是溢出來了 (紫薇爾康馬背溢出來.jpg)這款的外皮是帶著烤過酥皮的香,而且撕開包裝濃濃的玫瑰香味直撲出來. 外皮香酥. 內餡滿滿一口,玫瑰花瓣的纖維在牙齒間相互撕扯. 不像茉莉花的內斂不可察覺,玫瑰的每一口都在大方明確展示著鮮花餅就該是每一口都能嚐到花瓣.

味道  烤過的外皮香酥可口. 玫瑰餡像是蜜餞果脯一樣帶著酸甜. 總體搭配剛剛好,會稍微比前面兩款甜一些. 因為比較乾,餅子配了綠茶在吃. 不愛甜的仙女對這款酥餅應該也是毫無壓力的.

總結,三款鮮花餅都很好吃,清香茉莉對愛吃甜的餅子來說略顯味道不夠.  從味道來說,最有滋味應該是經典玫瑰了. 有粉絲說覺得玫瑰香精味重,餅子個人覺得還好,聞起來比吃起來香. 吃著就是蜜餞玫瑰花、洛神花果脯差不多的味道,配合酥餅外皮沒那麼甜,正好.  從口感飽腹感來說,紫薯玫瑰和玫瑰兩款吃了都挺飽的. 嗝~

餅子第一次吃鮮花餅的實驗測評到此結束啦,大家明天見( ´` )
