# 年货好物种草指南 # A moment of gluttony|A bowl of spicy Nanchang noodles ✨Workers' Late Night Canteen Series✨ In the late-night cafeteria, come to a bowl of fast food "Bagou Fresh Food" Nanchang Mixed Noodles The late-night cafeteria is paired with the annual comedy contest, and the joy of food is doubled The Nanchang Mixed Noodles that Yami bought before unpacking, I see a lot of reviews from Amway After get off work, if you don’t want to cook, it’s best to punch in to unlock a wave of fast food products Select Dongting Lake early rice indica rice to make rice noodles, with super rich small ingredients Made of semi-dry rice noodles, no need to soak fresh noodles, cook for 3-5 minutes The bag is too cute to resist this hand-painted design The taste of rice noodles is still relatively praised, very tough and chewy, smooth and mellow With 7 kinds of small ingredients, grandma's dish, sauce, fried radish Peanuts, chives, chili oil, sesame oil, their chili oil is very fragrant It can be poured into half a bag at a time, and after pouring into a whole bag, it is still spicy. Late-night dining hall, a bowl of noodles, a comedy variety show, and a bottle of beverage The late night time of the star who stays up all night, the happy double series, the more spirited the night
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 馋嘴一刻|一碗香辣风的南昌拌粉 ✨打工人的深夜食堂系列✨ 深夜食堂,来一碗速食《巴狗鲜食》南昌拌粉 深夜食堂搭配一年一度喜剧大赛,美食快乐翻倍 开箱了之前亚米购入的这款南昌拌粉,看评价很多安利 下班之后,不想做饭,最适合打卡解锁一波速食产品 精选洞庭湖早稻籼米制成米粉,搭配超丰富的小料 半干米粉制作而成,免泡鲜粉,煮3-5分钟就可 包装袋太可爱了,完全无法抵抗这种手绘风设计 米粉的口感还是较为好评的,很有韧性嚼劲,爽滑香醇 搭配7种小料,外婆菜,酱汁,油炸萝卜 花生,香葱,辣椒油,香油,他们家的辣椒油很香 可以一次倒入半袋,倒入一整袋后,还是有被辣到 深夜食堂,嗦一碗面,开一部喜剧综艺,喝一瓶饮料 熬夜星人的深夜时光,快乐翻倍系列,越夜越精神