# 我的囤货清单 # Hot and dry noodles are my most sensible stocking up, the first taste is what I think! Quickly place an order, the actual number of boxes is far more than this, how happy is the freedom of hot and dry noodles ~ a box of two, the price is very high, it can be described as affordable. Usually, I will add some mustard, crispy and rich hot and dry noodles, oh my, I am happy.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 热干面是我最明智的囤货,第一口觉得就是这个味儿!迅速下单,实际盒数远远不止这些,热干面自由是多么幸福~ 一盒两份,性价比很高,简直可以用实惠来形容了。一般我会再配点榨菜,脆爽加上浓郁的热干面,哎呀,老幸福了。