# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Summer is really boring. So today is another day for Tonda people rummaging through the cabinets. Just the hot and sour pork bone soup in yellow packaging! This hot and sour pork bone noodles comes with 3 packs of ingredients: vegetable pack. soup pack and vinegar. All the ingredients are poured in when I cook. To look healthy. Lost a few shrimp and a few kale flowers. perfect match. Tang Daren's soup is really rich. Say it's hot and sour. But for me. The sourness is really not enough. I don't find it spicy at all. I also added a little extra spicy. But it's really delicious. It's also very appetizing. Not to mention the bread. Like it as always. Strong enough.
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亚米精選 # 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 夏天真的很是让人犯懒. 所以今天又是汤达人的一天 翻翻橱柜. 就黄色包装的酸辣豚骨口味汤达人吧! 这款酸辣豚骨面配有3包配料:蔬菜包.汤包和醋. 我煮的时候这些配料是全部都往里倒. 为了看起来健康些. 丢了几只虾和几朵芥蓝花. 完美搭配. 汤达人的汤真的很浓郁. 说酸酸辣辣. 但是对于我来说.酸辣度还真不够. 我觉得一点也不辣. 我自己还额外又加了点辣. 不过好喝是真的.还很开胃. 面饼的话就更不用说了. 一如既往的喜欢. 够劲道.