# 2022年中大促囤货指南 #This biscuit is really delicious, it really is worth every penny, and domestic sales are quite expensive. I placed two orders directly during the 618 sale. Dry them out before they expire. There is no one who doesn't like to eat, looking forward to the next 618 promotion, this year can be regarded as an enjoyable meal.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 #这个饼干真是好吃啊,果真是一分价钱一分货,国内卖的也挺贵的,618大促的时候我直接下了两单,虽然是快过期的,但我居然能在过期前干光他们。没有人不爱吃,期待下一次的618大促,今年可算是吃过瘾了。