# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Snail noodles are a flavored snack in Liuzhou, Guangxi. It consists of Liuzhou's unique rice noodles, plus sour bamboo shoots, fungus, peanuts, fried yuba, assorted vegetables, beans and other ingredients, plus a moderate hot and sour sauce and boiled freshwater stone snail soup base. It has a sour, spicy, fresh, cool and hot flavor and the special smell of sour bamboo shoots. The authentic snail noodles don't include snails, but the soup is made with snails. There are many snail noodles brands on Yamibuy. Now, as you can see, Chacha doesn't want to get up anymore... The snail powder is too delicious! Smells really stinky! Acid is really sour! Spicy is really hot to cry! Delicious and affordable!
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亚米精選 # 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 螺蛳粉是广西柳州的风味小食,由柳州特有的米粉,加上酸笋、木耳、花生、油炸腐竹、什锦菜、豆角等配料加上适度的酸辣酱汁和煮淡水石螺的汤底调合而成,具有酸、辣、鲜、爽、烫的风味及酸笋的特殊气味。正宗的螺蛳粉不放螺蛳,只是汤用螺蛳熬成,亚米网上的螺蛳粉品牌真的是很多,也经常有秒杀促销的活动,让我这个平时清淡饮食习惯的人都禁不住诱惑跳坑买了,结果就如同大家看到的,茶茶不想爬起来了…螺蛳粉也太好吃了吧!臭是真的臭!酸是真的酸!辣是真的想哭的辣!好吃又划算!