#兔然就过年了# Chinese noodle recipe The amount of this noodle is huge. I made it myself. Just make the dough into balls. It's very simple. Then throw it into the dough mixer and wake up the dough at a constant temperature Before winter, it took at least 24 hours to wake up, which was very troublesome With the bear kneading machine, wake up the noodles at a constant temperature and it will be ready in a few hours After it rises, knead it with your hands and continue to let it rise for the second time The pasta produced in this way will not shrink back The last time I raised it, I just lifted the lid up. This is out of the sky I made the stuffing of tenderloin ➕scallion ➕shrimp General formula for stuffing made buns pie The leftover noodles were made into steamed buns
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# 兔然就过年了 # 中式面食做法 这个面的量很大 我自己和面的 随便 把面搞成团就行了 很简单 然后丢在和面机里面 恒温醒面 之前冬天 醒面需要至少24小时 很麻烦 有了小熊和面机 恒温醒面 几小时就好了 发起来之后 用手揉小 继续让它二次发起来 这样做出来的面食 就不会回缩 最后一次发起来 直接把盖子都顶起来了 这是发出天际了啊 我做了 里脊肉 ➕葱➕虾的馅 调馅的通用公式 做了包子 馅饼 剩下的面 做了馒头