#情你收下吧!# Yiranjia's golden crispy crispy crispy rice is fragrant and barbecued. This barbecue-flavored rice crust is not as sweet as the honey steak, but it is also a sweet rice crust. Delicious, a large package is very large. Children also like to eat, sweet and crunchy. I always put it in a pouch for my daughter and take it to school to eat.
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# 情你收下吧! # 忆然家黄金脆锅巴飘香烧烤味。这个烧烤味的锅巴没有那个蜜汁牛排的那么甜,但也是甜口的锅巴。好吃,一大包量很大。小朋友也很喜欢吃,甜甜的脆脆的。我都是给女儿放在小袋里带到学校去吃。