# 情你收下吧! # The snail king snail powder ten-pack super value bundle launched by Yami is really really a bargain! I was really happy when I received the goods. Anyway, buying a pack is also buying, and buying a bundle is also buying, which can save about two hundred dollars. Some time ago, you can buy 10 packs for only $28! The shelf life is half a year, but it is not a problem. I have eaten 10 packs in half a year. If it weren't for the limited purchase, I would directly charge 20! Yami please keep this kind of good deal!

# 情你收下吧! # 亚米推出的螺霸王螺狮粉十连包超值bundle真的真的太划算了!收到货的时候真的满满幸福感。反正一包包的买也是买,一捆捆的买也是买,能省快两百左右的钱呢。前段时间折上折只要28刀就能买10包!保质期有半年,但不是问题,半年早就吃完10包了。要不是有限购我就直接冲20了!这种好deal请亚米继续保持!