#亚米经验值+1# Week zero spicy sizzling vegetarian shredded beef, vegetable protein shredded meat with cumin barbecue flavor in the Western Regions, net content of 50 grams, there are 5 individual packages inside, and the purchase price is US$1.73; the snacks are compressed into rectangles and do not contain white sugar. Inlaid with sesame seeds, it is silky when eaten. It tastes spicy and slightly salty, with the fragrance of cumin. It is a delicious snack that is easy to carry.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 星期零辣嘶嘶的素牛肉丝,西域孜然烧烤风味的植物蛋白肉丝,净含量 50 克,里面共有 5 个独立包装,购入价 1.73 美元;零食被压缩成长方形,不含白砂糖,镶嵌着芝麻,吃的时候是丝状的,口感麻辣微咸,带有孜然的香味,食用无刺激感,是方便携带的美味小吃。