# 亚米经验值+1 #This Korean konjac rice risotto I recently bought Overall, I can only say that it's barely okay. first it smells weird It is spicy, yes, but the sticky sweet and sour tomato sauce has a little bit of spicy These flavors don't go well together. So I'm at a loss for taste And then it tastes that sticky It's not fragrant and sticky, but inexplicably sticky 🥹 It is even more incapable to accept the strange spicy tomato sauce It is said to be seafood flavor. From the beginning to the end, I have not tasted the feeling of seafood. the most important is This is konjac rice. It is estimated that people who buy it are low-fat and low-calorie. But its actual sugar content is not low😂 I feel lonely
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# 亚米经验值+1 #最近入手的这款韩国蒟蒻米烩饭 总体只能说勉强还行吧 首先它的味道奇怪 它是辣的没错 但是茄汁粘腻的酸甜中带着一丢丢辣 这几种味道在一起融合的并不太好 所以口味上让我无所适从 然后它的口感是那种粘粘的 不是香香的黏糯 而是说不清的黏黏糊糊🥹 搭配奇奇怪怪的茄汁辣味 就更是接受无能 说是海鲜味 从头到尾我还没吃出海鲜的感觉 最重要的是 这是款蒟蒻米饭 估计买它的人都是奔着低脂低卡来的 但它实际的含糖量并不低😂 感觉吃了个寂寞